I ended up at about $100 more than my first order but still way less than $800. They were very cooperative with the return and helped me order the correct chimney components. The technical sales person explained that nothing I had ordered would fit together. I called the company and timidly explained that I didn’t know what I was doing and needed help. When the parts arrived and I tried to test fit them together I found that nothing worked. I used their chimney design wizard to specify the components I needed but when the price tag approached $800, I thought I could order “a la cart” and save some money.
They seemed to have a very large selection of components. I began an online search and settled on a company called.
I figured I could use single wall stove pipe up to the ceiling of the sauna then double wall the rest of the way. I was looking for a metal double wall chimney system to be fire safe and minimize the clearances I needed. Once I decided to run the chimney straight up through the roof and not through the side wall, I needed to find chimney components.